Are you a fan of lobsters? Do you love to go beach fishing and, of course, get the best of lobsters? You’re in the right place because we have everything you need to be able to go beach fishing and get the best lobsters. If you’ve been using boats to go lobster fishing, you can also catch lobsters on the shores of the beach with your friends, family or colleagues. 

Lobsters can be caught on the shores of beaches. They can also be caught in structures like jetties and piers with the use of a hoop net. Doing this will get you a host of tasty lobsters without the need to stress yourself looking for boats. If you love lobsters, then here are the best places to go beach fishing and have great and tasty lobsters. If you need the best lobsters any time, visit Lobster Shack today.

  1. Brighton-Le-Sands

This heavenly hotspot, located on Cooks River, offers ambience, diversity, and uncommon views of jets departing from the airport. Cast out from the shore in the early evening with a fishing rod and have fun. You never know what will chew your bait in these areas.

  1. Manly Dam

This Sydney fishing site, which is also a landmark dam, is just 15 minutes just outside Manly. It’s rich with Australian bass and other varieties, and it’s popular with everybody from inquisitive amateurs to experienced fly-fishers. It also offers a variety of water sports such as paddling, swimming, and water skiing, so keep that in mind when throwing your next line.

  1. Gladesville Wharf

Head to this Sydney fishing site and toss out from the north side after the ferry terminal has finished for the night. You might be able to reel in a prize catch if your line is strong and you understand what you’re doing. This site might have a little bit of a problem when it comes to water pollution, but when it comes to getting the best lobsters, this is one of the nicest spots.

  1. Clifton Gardens

If you like beautiful Australian fishing sites, take a detour from Chowder Bay in Port Jackson and visit Clifton Gardens. Deep seas, beautiful environs, local bbq, a famous community pool, and either a riverbank or a jetty from which to cast your line can all be found here. Show up quickly to beat the crowds and anticipate getting at least a few nibbles, as the area is abundant with fish.

Bottom Line

There are a host of places to fish and get the best lobsters, as we have been able to point out over here. If you have always wanted to go lobster fishing at the beach, but you really did not have a location in mind, these are some of the best places to get sweet and fresh lobsters. If you’re looking for the best lobsters in Australia, then visit the lobster shack today. We deliver the best all the time and every time. For those with a passion for fish, exploring the world’s best fishing spots can be an exhilarating adventure.

By Manali