If you’re a business owner, you know that keeping your space temperate is essential for your employee’s productivity and your customers’ satisfaction. That’s why you need a commercial HVAC system. A commercial HVAC system can keep your space at a comfortable temperature all year round, regardless of the weather outside. It can also keep the humidity levels in your space under control, which is important for both comfort and your equipment’s longevity. However, many business owners don’t know much about HVAC systems or what a commercial system needs. If you want to learn more, read on to find out about the differences between residential and commercial HVAC systems.

What’s the difference between a commercial and residential HVAC system?


One major difference between residential and HVAC commercial systems is size. Commercial buildings tend to be much larger, so their HVAC systems need to be able to handle more airflow. Residential systems usually only need to cover one or two rooms, while a commercial system may need to cool an entire floor or even multiple floors. Another difference is that commercial systems often use a centralized control system. A central controller regulates all the zones in a commercial building, rather than just the temperature in a specific room.

Another difference between these two types of HVAC systems is cost. Commercial and residential HVAC systems are designed to do different things, so their costs reflect that. A commercial system is meant to handle heavier use and keep a larger space cool, while a residential system is meant for a single-family home. Commercial systems are also more expensive because they require more equipment and materials. Still, the increased cost also results in better performance for businesses, particularly those that have larger office buildings.

Both commercial and residential systems will need regular maintenance in order to remain in good working order. A commercial HVAC system should be inspected twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. You also need to change the filters regularly. Experts recommend changing them at least once every 90 days, though changing them monthly will ensure peak performance.


How else can you maintain a comfortable indoor environment?


Now that you know a little more about how to find the right commercial HVAC system, let’s talk about what else you can do to maintain a cozy and safe indoor environment. For example, many business owners don’t think much about their indoor air quality, but they should. Indoor air pollution has been linked to health conditions from respiratory infections to strokes. Your HVAC system’s filters protect against contaminants, but you should also look into purchasing an air purifier, to remove as many pollutants from the air as possible.

It can be beneficial to have more precise control over your indoor temperature as well, which is why you may want to consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can automatically adjust the temperature based on occupancy and schedule. This enables businesses to use less energy, which is good for the environment and can save the business money. Most smart thermostats even come with a mobile app that allows you to control the temperature from anywhere, so you can make changes even when you’re not in the office.

Commercial and residential HVAC systems serve different needs. A commercial system is designed to provide cooling and heating for an entire building or a large section of a building, while residential systems are for single-family homes. A commercial system is typically larger and more expensive than a residential system because a commercial system is more efficient and can provide more cooling and heating power. You can further improve your indoor environment by purchasing an air purifier and upgrading to a smart thermostat. Follow this advice and you can be sure your business will always be healthy and comfortable.

By Manali