Tech beginners may struggle to get started. Web development, design, digital marketing, and every other expertise are accessible to you. How become a web designer is a good starting point for newcomers.

Web design needs creativity and analysis, like many IT jobs. Once you find your passion, web design offers several ways to specialise or change directions.

Do web designers require what talents to succeed? This post covers the webdesign in Norway talents you need to be recruited and the soft skills that will set you apart.

What Tech Skills Do Web Designers Need To Learn?

Let’s start with web design tech.

1. Art

Web designers need design skills, but what does that mean? As a subset of visual design, web design is a good place to start.

Visual design, which focuses on digital goods, prepares you for all design vocations, including web design, at Mementor. Visual design teaches web design basics.

One of the most crucial topics for web designers is design principles, which affect a site’s appearance. Proportions, typography, grid systems, and colour theory are examples. The visual design includes mood boards, type hierarchy, and online font and colour palette experiments.

2. Ux

UX refers to how website users feel (calm, irritated, etc.). UX design is all about creating a user-friendly, user-first website that meets their needs.

That requires user research and “personas” (profiles of imaginary ideal users). Site maps organise pages and content. User flows reveal your site’s user journey. Do they click directly on social media? Do they want contact info? You’ll employ responsive design to accommodate varied screen sizes and increase device-independent functionality.

UX designers employ wireframes, prototypes, and templates to sketch each webpage’s important elements, including the user interface. User experience design requires these elements.

3. Web And Graphic Design Software

Web designers require the correct equipment like any craftsperson. Web and visual design standards are useful in all cases and essential in many. While developing a website may be done in a web browser, graphic designers and web designers utilise Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Sketch to create prototypes, design assets like logos and pictures, and edit and enhance photos.


Web designers must code, right? Most site designers nowadays need to know HTML and CSS, even if you might not think they do. HTML is the computer language used to organise web pages and add information. It turns text into headlines, paragraphs, and footers. It also provides “cool” website material including images, movies, and graphics.

5. CSS

CSS—Cascading Style Sheets—is HTML’s companion. CSS instructs browsers to format and style HTML for web pages. It makes text and other stuff seem attractive and have a design. CSS lets you customise colours, fonts, backgrounds, and more! This showcases your design skills and lets you personalise any site you build.

Web Designer Soft Skills

After mastering design and engineering, apply soft skills to stay organised and productive in web design. Learn these skills immediately to save time— webdesign in Norway swear by them.

6. Time-Management

To succeed as a web designer, you must accomplish your time and tasks. This might involve learning task lists, calendars, or project management software like Trello or JIRA, especially if you work in a large company. Prioritizing and monitoring your work will be crucial to your success (and sanity) in web design.

7. Communication

Designers must also communicate and persuade. Website creation requires good communication. Keep clients informed on project progress, propose ideas, and explain your creations. If you own a one-person company, you may be asked to write or alter site content. So practise your writing and presenting abilities to make an impact on clients and coworkers.


SEO, digital marketing, and social media may seem better suited to marketers and salespeople than site designers. However, since numerous firms sell online, you should understand them. Knowing the essentials and keeping them in mind for customers and your sites can help you become a web designer.

9. Business/Client Management

As an employee or freelancer, knowing the bottom line can help you stay profitable and sustainable. You don’t need an MBA, but you should understand your employer’s or business’s goals and finances to drive your job. If you design directly for customers, you should have the plan to manage your cash flow and project backlog.

By Manali