Did you know that only about 1% of people in the United States have Celiac Disease?

Many people diagnose themselves, not realizing that it’s grain they should drop from their diets. 

If you aren’t sure if you should be eating grains and gluten, you must learn about each of them. 

Keep reading to discover the key differences between grain-free vs gluten-free diets! 

Looking at the Gluten-Free Diet

If you want to compare grain-free vs gluten-free diets, you must understand more about gluten and how it impacts Celiac patients. 

Gluten is simply a protein found in yeast, rye, and wheat. It’s also found in many grains and barley. You can recognize gluten as you chew grain-based foods. Gluten creates a chewy texture that can be dangerous to some. 

Restaurants and grocery stores have made it a priority to include gluten-free items for customers. If there isn’t a label on the package, you may want to avoid the products. 

Going Gluten-Free

Downloading a gluten-free guide can help you make changes, but you must understand that this isn’t a temporary diet.

People with Celiac Disease, wheat allergies, and gluten intolerances must avoid gluten for life. Getting rid of these foods can prevent uncomfortable symptoms from occurring when they eat pizza, bread, and pasta. 

If you are hoping to lose weight by going gluten-free, you might be disappointed. This diet is not intended to help reduce weight and body fat.

Before making a purchase, check the labels to ensure they are gluten-free and contain healthy ingredients. You can click here for gluten-free protein powder if you want quick and safe meals. 

What Does Grain-Free Mean?

There are many physical and health conditions that could lead to a grain-free diet.

Certain health conditions clear up and become less painful when people cut grains from their diets. Although there is still research to be done, staying away from wheat, rice, and oats can improve your health. Barley, dried corn, and millet are other types of grain that people can’t eat on this diet. 

Arthritis, diabetes, and IBS patients have seen improvements when they limit or cut grains. You can test the theory out and monitor symptoms for a few weeks after making the change.

Since grain-free diets can help alleviate unwanted symptoms, it’s better to use this diet as a lifestyle change. If you notice improvements when you don’t eat grains, you should stay away from them as much as possible. 

What Can Grain-Free vs Gluten-Free Diets Do for You?

Comparing the differences between grain-free vs gluten-free diets can help you find the suitable and safe choice.

If you haven’t gotten a professional diagnosis of Celiac Disease, you should speak with your doctor about grain-free diets. Speaking with your doctor can help you determine which diet is the safest for your health so that conditions don’t get worse. 

Don’t be afraid to eliminate items from meals and snacks to ensure they aren’t causing negative reactions. If you have bloating, inflammation, and digestive issues, for example, getting rid of grains is best. 

Make sure you check out our blog for more info about dieting and following the healthiest options for your conditions!

By Manali