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What a Patient Needs to Know About Dental Implants?

If you’ve ever experienced tooth injury or decay, then you know the frustration that comes with having missing teeth. Once decayed or damaged, such teeth will need to be extracted. This leaves a gap in your dentition. In addition to the self-consciousness that such gaps cause, missing teeth can also negatively impact your oral health. For example, having missing teeth for a long has been known to gradually compromise the overall jawbone structure. There are several options for dealing with missing teeth. A popular one is getting dental implants. These tend to be permanent and are able to last a decade or even a lifetime. For example, if you visit, you can see the different types of dental implants available. Whether you want temporary dentures or any other type of dental material, you can find what suits your dental needs.

While several options exist for dealing with missing teeth, many people are increasingly opting for dental implants. This is because it is a long-term solution. An average dental visit is an anxiety-inducing event. Many people would rather limit their dental visits as much as possible. One of the perks of getting permanent dental implants is that you don’t have to worry about going in for a dental procedure every now and then. If properly placed, they can last a long time.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is an artificial appliance that is placed in your jawbone to replace a missing tooth. It consists of a metal post. This acts like a stake that anchors the whole artificial tooth in place. The metal post is placed deep into the jawbone, ensuring that it lies below the gum line. This means that only the crown part of the dental implant is visible, making the whole implant blend in with the mouth structures. The metal post eventually fuses with the jawbone, meaning the dental implant will have the same structural firmness as a natural tooth.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

As mentioned, there are several dental options available on the market. However, more people are choosing dental implants because of their convenience and functionality.

In addition to being a long-term solution, having dental implants over other options like dentures ensures that you can enjoy all the food that you want. Unlike dental implants, having dentures means that you have to take special cleaning precautions. Numerous kinds of foods like peanut butter don’t go well with dentures. Being sticky, such foods can easily get trapped in tiny spaces in the dentures. This makes cleaning difficult, even with thoroughness. If you’re a patient, choosing a dental implant overdentures ensures that you can avoid such issues. Because implants behave more like natural teeth, you don’t have to worry about extra precautions while brushing.

In addition to avoiding the increased cleaning precautions associated with other dental options like dentures, opting for dental implants helps to avoid the issue of slipping off. Dentures can come off your teeth at the most inopportune of times. This can cause embarrassment, especially if you’re speaking in public. Being permanent and properly anchored, dental implants have no such issues.

Different Types of Dental Implant Materials

Not all dental implants are made of the same materials. Titanium seems to be the most reliable and has been the material of choice for several decades now. However, more and more dental implants are now made of ceramic, especially their abutments (the part that anchors to the jawbone).

The crown is the visible part of the dental implant. It is made to resemble a natural tooth’s crown. Porcelain and ceramic are the materials of choice for manufacturing dental crowns because they closely resemble the enamel of natural teeth. Sometimes, though, metal crowns will do. For example, molar teeth at the back of the mouth are not easily visible. A dentist may advise a patient to have metal crowns for such implants. They tend to be tougher than ceramic and porcelain.

Dental Surgery And Cost

Having a dental implant means an invasive surgery. Depending on the condition of your jawbone, the dentist may opt for preparative surgery. One of the consequences of having missing teeth for a long is that it gradually weakens the jawbone. When you choose to have a dental implant later on, it becomes a challenge. Before the actual implantation of the dental implant, a preparative surgery will be performed to strengthen the jawbone. This ensures that the subsequent dental implant has a strong base on which to rest.

Dental implants, while reliable, are very expensive. You can expect to pay anywhere from $1500 to $6000.

All in all, a patient should know that the benefits of having dental implants far outweigh any of its perceived drawbacks over the long term.

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