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Health Precautions You Can Take for Your Student

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole school system was turned upside down. Schools were closed, and mask-wearing was introduced as some of the strategies to contain the spread of the virus. Amid recovery from the pandemic, your students deserve high-quality education in a safe and healthy learning environment. Adopting UV light sanitizer for school helps safeguard the health of your students from harmful pathogens.

UV sanitizers inactivate disease-causing microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses. This makes it an effective approach for disinfecting surfaces and preventing the spread of illness throughout the school. Below is how to use UV light sanitizer while taking other precautions to safeguard the health of your students:

Disinfect Surfaces

UV light sanitizers use ultraviolet technology to kill harmful pathogens like Salmonella, Coronavirus, and MRSA. This disinfection approach effectively creates a cleaner learning haven for your students. It provides automated options to help you keep your school disinfected 24/7.

UV light sanitizer disinfectant comes in different types to help you disinfect classrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, playing facilities, and multipurpose spaces. These types include:

Promote Hands Hygiene

Please encourage your students to wash their hands with soap and water frequently. This helps combat the spread of bacteria and germs, keeping students healthier. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to wash your hands:

In case of limited access to running water or few sinks in the school, introduce alcohol-based sanitizers. Guide the learners on sanitizing their hands frequently to kill roaming microorganisms.

Educate Them on Respiratory Etiquette

Make it a routine for the teachers to enlighten students on respiratory health. Encourage them to cover their noses and mouths with a tissue or elbow whenever they sneeze or cough.

Demonstrate the hygiene routines to remind the students to observe these health precautions. Routinely sanitize your hands as you start a session with the students. This helps the students adopt these precautions as a routine, keeping them safer from viral or bacterial infections.

Improve Ventilation

Ventilation supports air purification by allowing contaminated air out and replacing it with fresh air. All school buildings should have ventilation to allow proper circulation of air. Have functional windows and doors that your students can open whenever they are in the rooms. To increase the effectiveness of open windows and doors, consider introducing air purifiers such as fans in the classroom.

Installing HVAC systems in classrooms also can improve air quality and regulates temperatures. These systems filter air and cool or heat indoor space based on your preference. Your students enjoy a warm and fresh environment during winter, helping to increase their performance.

Encourage Cleaning of All Spaces

Set a strict cleaning schedule where your staff cleans school surfaces at least twice daily. The classrooms, offices, washrooms, changing rooms, or playing areas should be thoroughly cleaned before and after classes. This helps remove any germs, bacteria, or viruses on the surfaces. Your students can enjoy their studies and extra curriculum activities without the risk of being exposed to disease-causing organisms.

Get a UV Light Sanitizer for School Today

Your students need a safe learning environment to remain healthy and focus on their studies. Get a UV light sanitizer for school to help protect your students from disease-causing microorganisms. Also, continue to teach health practices like hand washing and covering your mouth when you cough.

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