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Best Crypto To Buy Now: Top 3 Tokens To Purchase In 2022

While the majority of cryptocurrencies are still extremely volatile, even people who don’t actually know much about the market or underlying technologies are now eager to invest in them. It seems that now is actually the right time to enter the market because of the overall price level and its perspectives, but investors should be very careful when choosing a token to buy. In this article, we briefly explain why it would be wise to invest right now, how to choose the right coins, and which of them will probably turn out profitable in the long term.

Reasons to buy right now

Leading crypto experts agree that now is the perfect time to invest in crypto. Many tokens are on their historical lows or at least not far from them due to overall financial issues and instability. For example, even Ethereum has lost about 60% of its value since the beginning of the year despite its applications and wide adoption. However, that means that the market should go back up pretty soon, and investors with the right coins in their portfolio will reap considerable profits. The main question here is how to be sure you’re choosing the right coins?

Well, you have to consider all kinds of aspects because the price of almost any token heavily depends on news, supply factors, tech advances, and so on. To help you decide, we’ve compiled a short list of simply the best crypto to buy now based on a dozen crucial aspects. Just don’t forget that predictions, however reasonable, are not always 100% correct, so do your own research before buying anything.

Ethereum (ETH)

ETH is well-known and widely used, and the upcoming Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is going to make things even better for the blockchain, boosting the price. It’s one of the most obvious choices, but its limit for growth is yet uncertain, especially with the current monetary policy of the US.

Cardano (ADA)

Experts expect ADA to grow significantly by the end of 2022 already, but now it’s still rather cheap, so you can still catch this train. The main reason behind its growth is its numerous applications for NFTs and DeFi projects, and this blockchain will probably find even more uses in the future.

Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot is an ambitious project that aims to create an entire ecosystem of blockchains to allow apps to communicate across them. While now DOT is worth less than $10, some crypto experts expect it to hit $100 by 2028. That seems pretty possible if you consider the technology behind the project.

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